Summer in Charlotte can make us all long for a quick escape to someplace greener, cooler, more natural. Luckily for those of us in University City, great green escapes ranging from forest glens to rain forests lie right around the corner! Some even have guides to lead...
Let the countdown begin! Interstate 485 through University City should open to traffic by July 20, state transportation department staff recently told The Charlotte Observer. When it does, Charlotte’s 67-mile outer belt will finally be finished. Construction started...
Saturday’s University City Duathlon will draw hundreds of athletes to run and bike through University Research Park. We love how the event showcases the URP and grateful that business owners Chris Elkins and Shane Hockensmith dreamed it up and keep it growing. It’s...
Our public schools need your help right now, even if you only have a few hours to share. Among the needs are volunteers to proctor exams and people, groups and businesses who’ll give time and resources for next week’s Teacher Appreciation Week, says Andrew Chadderton,...
Some of us remember way back in the 1990s when the University City YMCA launched its first summer camp at the Mallard Creek Church barbecue site. Times sure have changed, and University City families are the big winners. We are blessed with a wide diversity in summer...
A key step in getting the biggest bang for our $1.1 billion light-rail bucks will take place next Monday, April 13, at the Charlotte City Council meeting – and you can have a part. You are invited to address the city council in person about proposed updates to the...
UNC Charlotte’s Spring Career Expo on April 10 will draw 200 companies from Apple to ZOOM Energy, most seeking talented students for summer and full-time positions. Yet many area businesses from TIAA-CREF to campus-based C5 Insight already have promising 49’ers in...