The recent UNC Charlotte Homecoming Week featured dozens of outlets for 49ers pride. One activity, however, sought to touch 49ers’ hearts. On Oct. 21, volunteers collected canned goods on the big plaza across the street from the Student Union.
The donations went to help restock the Niner Student Food Pantry. UNC Charlotte created the food pantry in 2014 to help the growing number of students who can’t afford or find nutritious food. More than 800 students living off-campus visited the pantry last school year at least once to get food for themselves and, occasionally, their families.
Sean Langley, UNC Charlotte’s assistant director of off-campus and Volunteer outreach, helped start the pantry with $6,000 of food from Food Lion.
In a video on the food pantry website, Langley explained that he first realized the scope of the need when he learned of an international student with so little money, he was sleeping in a closet. CLICK TO VIEW VIDEO
The pantry opened in the Colvard Building. Last week, it moved into a new home on the edge of campus at 1224 John Kirk Road. The new location has more space and a kitchen. It also is accessible to students coming by car as well as on foot.
The pantry is open 3-6 p.m. Mondays and Thursdays. The neatly stocked shelves and coolers have a range of foods including tuna, luncheon meats, raisins, canned vegetables and macaroni and cheese. Volunteers occasionally hold classes to show how to cook nutritious meals from the pantry provisions.
How you can help
The Niner Student Food Pantry’s ongoing need, of course, is for food. Volunteers also are welcome. The pantry recently started a fund drive to raise $5,000 for new energy efficient appliances.
• For more details on donating food or volunteer time, contact Sean Langley at
• To make online financial donations, CLICK HERE