People. Places. Nature.
University City will be a vibrant, people-oriented place that is urban in scale and design. Energized by light rail, it will be a popular and accessible destination for everyone. It will offer diverse and unique choices to LIVE, WORK, PLAY, LEARN and INVEST.

Currently, University City is a diverse ecosystem that, as the second largest employment center in the city, is a significant driver to Charlotte’s economy. The plan that follows is a road map to University City’s next 20 years of development. It is built on the foundation of four themes:
• An urban north-south axis focused on transit-oriented development
• An East-West Greenbelt for mobility and recreation
• Building Character and Culture
• Providing 21st Century mobility
How the Vision Plan Works with the Area Plan
University City is guided by two primary plans, the University City Area Plan and the University Research Park Plan. These plans serve as excellent guides to public investment and general land use policy, but the pace of change has been swift causing opportunities to come and go, which created gaps in our past development.
This Vision Plan seeks to consolidate those efforts and to update and add further details that will guide our community as it changes more than anywhere else in the City of Charlotte over the coming years–adapting from an auto-dominated suburban place to a walkable community served by transit and home to Charlotte’s local talent generator, UNC Charlotte.
How the Vision Plan will be Implemented
Outlined within the Implementation chapter of the University City Vision Plan are the recommendations, actions and partners needed to work towards meeting the goals listed in this Vision Plan. These strategies have been created as a part of our plan for work and aligned with our current four vision elements.
The matrix below identifies the strategies necessary for meeting each element of the Vision Plan. Additionally, the strategies align with one or more of the goals listed in the 2040 Charlotte Comprehensive Vision Plan, as the City of Charlotte’s vision goals guide much of the work planned for University City.

For more information on the University City Vision Plan, and to read the Executive Summary click here.
For more information and ways to contribute to our efforts: