Make sure you put Oct. 23 on your calendar. No one should miss the granddaddy of church suppers: the Mallard Creek Barbecue. More than 20,000 people are expected between 10 a.m., and dusk, along with the traditional greeting line of politicians hoping to win your vote...
Autumn in University City has long meant NASCAR fans, ‘Cue lovers and politicians. A new crowd will soon put its green and gold mark on fall fun - 10,000 UNC Charlotte alumni who’ll pack Jerry Richardson Stadium on Oct. 25, greet old friends, fill nearby pubs and...
Good food, great people, memorable location: The signature autumn event for University City’s business community will take place 5:30-8 pm Thursday, Sept. 25, lakeside at University Place. The Charlotte Chamber’s University Chapter invites members and nonmembers alike...
University City residents will get a rare chance on Sept. 28 to meet and ask questions of Charlotte’s leaders, right here on our own turf. Mayor Dan Clodfelter, City Manager Ron Carlee, Police Chief Rodney Monroe and Fire Chief Jon Hannan will join At Large City...
“See the world, in a day,” proclaims a video for the 39th annual International Festival on Sept. 20 at UNC Charlotte. Thousands of visitors will sample foods, savor performances and browse displays representing more than 50 nations at the region’s largest and most...
UNC Charlotte’s College of Arts + Architecture has just rolled out a new welcome mat to University City – online. provides a single place for us to learn about 100-plus performances and exhibits by talented students, faculty and visiting artists. "We...
We’ll want to celebrate when I-485 finally opens in University City, and at least one group already has plans for a party ON the new freeway – the 485 MADD Dash and Fun Bike Ride on Nov. 2. The state expects to open the roadway in December. “Run it before you drive...