Small Business Initiative: An innovative program that offers small businesses exclusive to the University City area a diverse menu of resources aimed at enhancing business marketing, promotion, and overall growth.
This is how we can help…
Activities & Engagements
Gift Card Program Promotions Campaign
Social Media Post
Instagram Wall Signage
UCP Podcast Feature
Special Considerations
Engaging in internal dialogue to identify your category as a small business in the University City Area may involve asking questions such as:
- What marketing challenges do I face as a small business?
- What resources are needed to better promote and enhance my business marketing moving forward?
- Based on my business marketing needs, in what areas can University City Partners support me?

UCP Small Business Survey
The resource for enhancing your business marketing, promotion, and growth.
Discover the resources of the Small Business Initiative program and assess the benefits for your business by completing the survey here. Contact us at Business@UniversityCityPartners.org for more information.